45 Haddon Ave., Haddon Township, NJ 08108
Welcome to this enchanting twin home, nestled in the heart of Collingswood, where every corner tells a story, and vintage charm meets modern whimsy.
We spare no effort when marketing our listings. Not only do our sellers' homes benefit from a full social media campaign spanning multiple platforms, door-hanging, neighborhood mailers + calls, Mega Open House events and eBlasts to our database of 10k+ people, we also shoot a full marketing video so people can digitally immerse themselves in the home and start falling in love with it before they've even left the house.
Listing Agent Pip Haxby-Thompson shot not just one, but two, engaging listing video tours for 179 Lawnside Ave. The first video brought to life The Battle of Lawnsides: a fun theme with another JFKLiving real estate agent who happened to be listing a property across the street at the same time. Watch Pip's video here:
Sometimes your home sparks inspiration. While at the property, Pip filmed another video; the retro vibes of the decor was reminiscent of Wes Anderson movies. For a completely impromptu shooting that was posted later that day, this video amassed 10k+ views, reached 4,200 accounts, and had 520 interactions, and helped everyone fall in love with this charming twin. Take a peek below.
Now for the important part: the outcome of our Marketing Strategy to secure these sellers an incredible offer. The 179 Lawnside Ave Marketing Campaign involved a teaser Coming Soon campaign, professional photography, professional videography, a series of social media posts, a targeted email campaign (to 3.5k buyers househunting in 08108 and the surrounding area), door-hanging the neighborhood, and an extraordinary Zillow Showcase Listing profile that 'hacked' the Zillow algorithm to shoot this home to the top of everyone's search.
The numbers above look great an' all, but what you really care about is how much this beautiful home sold for, right? Let's dive in.
We'd be thrilled to help you receive results like this home here. Drop your address in the form below and let's get started.